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2019 Symposium

Community Transport describes volunteer-based transport services, operated by local people to meet local needs for transport. On 12th November 2019, the Waikato Community Transport Forum hosted a half-day symposium with local, national, and international guests. 
Why a symposium?
We met to share our stories about Community Transport. We wanted to know whether there is appetite for more united 'voice' for community transport in Aotearoa.
Over 100 people attended, including representatives from 30 different community providers across the Waikato region.  They heard from:
fellow local providers, St John NZ, Waikato DHB, regional councils who support community transport with resource – Horizons and Canterbury, the Chief Executive of UK Community Transport Association and the Honorable Associate Minister for both Transport and Health Julie Anne Genter.
What next?
As a group, we agreed that we want to meet again, for two main reasons:
1) To support each other, in our work to help community transport thrive
2) To gather more support for Community Transport from local, regional, and central government
What would 'more support from government' look like?
1) More funding: we would like the NZ Transport agency and Regional Councils to agree a consistent, effective funding methods to support and grow community transport in Aotearoa.
2) More government appreciation for community transport: we would like government to understand, appreciate, and evaluate the benefits of community transport as a valued contribution to the sustainability and vitality of New Zealand communities.
We will be delivering our summary report and recommendations to local, regional, and national government representatives. If you'd like to stay involved, join the Waikato Community Transport forum email list by emailing